Tuesday 15 June 2021

5 Tell-Tale Signs of a Perfect Workplace for Working Mothers

 It’s not always being a working mother as one has to constantly struggle between finding a healthy work-life balance. But if a working mother ends up finding a company that aligns with her personal goals and offers adequate facilities and amenities to take care of her child too, life gets a lot easier.

When scouring for the best companies to work for based at any commercial space for rent in Noida or elsewhere, here are the 5 things to evaluate for a mom-friendly company. Each one of the below is a good sign and is an indicator that you’ve found a perfect fit.

1.Flexible Work Policies

Flexible work schedules work best for mothers because they allow the flexibility to function as per your schedule or offer remote working. A flexible work policy means you can come to the office at 9 or 11am instead of 10 am and leave when your work is done. Also, you can choose to work for a few days a week at a remote location, as your home, instead of attending the office physically.

Such schedules allow everyone to nurture their personal needs and meet their family obligations without having to work less.

2.Mom-friendly Spaces

If you’ve accepted a position that requires you to work from office, ask your HRBP to get you a tour of the office space. It is highly recommended that while looking around the office, carefully look for signs that shows celebration of a family, kids’ pictures on desks or cute artwork pinned on to the company softboards.

If you’re a new mother, look for areas where you can express your breastmilk or having a separate feeding room as that is very important. These signs are a sure signal that you’ve landed at the right space.

3.Look for Online Reviews

While selecting an organization to work, look for different platforms that offers users to write genuine and unbiased reviews about the company culture and its offerings. Carefully read through them to see if the company is progressive in approach, if it has supportive leaders, or if it has an inclusive environment. Go for such organization that offers all or maximum of these.

4.Ask Your Hiring Manager

While getting interviewed, make sure you’re asking relevant and important questions to your hiring manager. Rather than asking if the company is child-friendly, ask what’s the policy if the child suddenly falls sick and one has to take a day off or what’s the protocol if there’s a Parents-Teacher’s meeting and the employee has to attend that. Answers to such questions will help you make your decision on whether to go about the job offer or not.

5.Examine the Number of Working Moms

Ask your hiring manager the demographics on the working mothers in the team. A higher number will indicate that the company is open and receptive about working women’s challenges and will understand their perspective. A higher number of working mothers and soon-to-be mothers also indicate that the company’s top management is not afraid of having a healthy mix and values everyone besides their family challenges.

Besides above, look for other signs in the company like mother-friendly benefits and perks, day care centre at workplace, generous and paid maternal/paternal leave, work parties for the entire family to attend and more such offerings. Candor TechSpace’s commercial building in Kolkata offers a creche at the workplace that reduces the mother’s travelling time to and fro work to look after her child.

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