Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Why a Child Day Care Centre Inside Office Building Becoming a Must Office Amenity

Certainly one of the most challenging propositions faced by Indian workforce is the balance of personal and professional lives. While the cities and urban metros have most employees working in the commercial office spacein Gurgaon or Noida; there is an increasing need of professional, reliable, and quality child day care system in managed spaces to fall back on.

Most working couples in metros are faced with a hard day at work and outside of it without having any family support as there is this prevalent system of nuclear set ups. Since most office solutions providers these days are convinced that Indian working couples would jump to joy at the mention of having a reliable child day care centre in the same office building as they work, focussed efforts on having them inside the managed offices in the building are now considered deeply.
Here are some of the benefits of having a child day care centre inside an office building managed spaces:

Lower Employee Absenteeism Rate

One of the major reasons why working parents ask for a leave is when their child’s day care centre is closed and they have to stay at home to look after the kid. Moreover, when the child is sick and they need to attend to the child at home, having a reliable and quality day care centre at work is a breather. Employees know they can visit their child in between work and keep a check on them while also catering to their needs. All this results in lower employee absenteeism rate and more focussed hours at work.

Surge in Productivity

Employees working inside managed office spaces in metro cities are already stressed out with maintaining a healthy work life balance, managing families and professional lives, and this increasing pressure of being super productive all day. Working parents are able to focus on their work better when they are assured that their child is taken care of well. Having a quality child day care centre at work also means lea discrete calls to babysitters and more peace of mind.

Better Employee Retention Rate

Most employers operating inside of managed office spaces in metro cities view child day care centre in the office building as a tool to retain the best talent in the company. When employees view it as a substantial benefit and perceive company as the one that takes care of their personal needs and works towards establishing work life balance are more likely to stick longer with a company. Having a child day care centre inside the office premises may not yield immediate results but it goes a long way in keeping the employee turnover low.

Having a quality child care centre inside the office premises as an office amenity is every working couple’s dream. Candor TechSpace, a leading office space solutions provider, believes in making dreams come true with larger-than-life campuses that reek of sophistication, comfort, enviable design, and adds more life to your days. Its managed office spaces in Gurgaon, Noida, and Kolkata are built to make its inmates life better every working day.

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