Tuesday 15 September 2020

Sustainable & Minimal Wastage Lifestyle in Corporate Environments

Living a sustainable life is no more an option with global climate change. We must consciously strive to live eco-friendly. Sustainability is a lifestyle change and it takes some time to transition into it. However, you can start right where you are, with what you have. Trying to minimize wastage and using recycled furniture is a great way to start. Efficient recycling also reduces wastage thereby promoting sustainability. It also helps in reducing the consumption of non-renewable sources of energy. Reducing waste and recycling also reduces plastic pollution that is destroying the oceans. The cost of building your office with recycled materials and sustainable furniture will be much lower than conventional materials. 

If you are looking for a sustainable commercial place for rent in Noida, check out the Candor TechSpace properties. They have four flagship properties in North and East India. All their campuses are built with keeping sustainability at the center. 

Their flagship properties offer a sustainable commercial place for rent in Noida sector- 62 and sector- 135. They also have flagship properties in Gurgaon and Kolkata. Their sustainable commercial space for lease is in Newtown Rajarhat near Kolkata Airport. Check out these ways to recycle more in your commercial space for lease: 

Sustainably Sourced Wood

Get scrap wooden pieces from a carpenter shop to create a custom wooden center table in the reception area. Get second-hand furniture pieces or get custom furniture made with recycled wood scraps. 

Say No to Plastic

Eliminate the usage of plastic in the office area. Prohibit the disposal of plastic wastes in the waste bin. Have designated bins for any plastic trash. 

Reducing Wastage

Incorporate ways to minimize food wastage in your office space. Minimize wastage of office stationery and use recycled stationery. 

Bio-degradable Alternatives

Recycled office stationery and pantry-essentials are cost-effective and made from biodegradable materials. Use handmade paper from jute or recycled fabric. Wooden clipboards instead of plastic clipboards. Use refillable pens, pencils, and other office stationery made with recycled items. Use recycled post-it notes and clear tapes. Use recycled décor items to add a rustic look to your office. Substitute standard pantry supplies with bio-degradable tissue papers, recycled wooden forks, spoons, and paper plates. 

You can also resort to other sustainable practices like using recycled water and toilet rolls. Encourage your employees to minimize water and food wastage. It is interesting to note that recycled furniture is made from wood scraps, plastic bottles, and even car batteries. Office partitions and screens can be custom made from recycled glass. 

Sustainable practices are not only cost-effective but also help in preserving our environment. As an organization when you adopt sustainable ways, you set an example for other companies to follow. 

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