Thursday 10 December 2020

How to Achieve Work-Life Balance & Stay Sane While Working from Home

 Nailing Work-life Balance

More than ever, companies based out of office for rent in Gurgaon and every other part of the world are urging their employees to stay at home and manage work from there. Nealy eight months into the pandemic and we’re all losing our sanity while working from home. Endless hours of work, infinite calls and meetings through the day, and personal life taking a backseat are some of the aftermaths we all re having.

To avoid lines getting blurred between personal and professional lives, it’s important to strive and maintain a work-life balance. This will help you keep sane and get charged for the work the next day. Here, we are sharing some valuable insights on how to achieve the work-life balance and stay sane while working from home:

  1. Set a Schedule & Stick to it

It’s imperative to set a schedule for the day ahead so that you can follow it closely and stay productive throughout the day. However, it is always better to plan and chalk out the schedule a day before so you know what you have to do the next morning. This will help you stay on the path and avoid getting comfortable at home while leaving the work to suffer.

While setting up a schedule is one task, following it religiously takes a hell lot of discipline. If you manage to do that cohesively, you’re much likely to stay sane while managing your personal and professional lives effectively.

  1. Make a To-do List

It’s great that now you’ve made a schedule because making a to-do list will be easier than ever. Make sure you jot down all the tasks to be done in the day at one side, prioritize them as per the need and then make a to-do list for the day.

This will make sure that you are not leaving anything important and not over-prioritizing anything not too critical. This is one of the most important tips one can share on striking that perfect work-life balance. Most large companies based out of office for rent in Noida advocate this practice for their employees to make the most of their day.

  1. Give Your Personal Routine Some Respect Too

We know you’re more than prepared with that meeting you’ve been working on but before attacking up the laptop right in the morning, make sure you carry out your personal routine too.

Get out of bed, do your morning chores, meditate, make your bed, hit the shower, grab a bite to eat, and then get on to your office routine. This will give you ample time for your personal work and you won’t feel you’ve been working round the clock.

  1. Define Clear Boundaries for Yourself & Co-occupants

Whether you’re living alone or with other occupants in the house, make sure you’re setting up clear boundaries as far as the workplace and timings are concerned. Since the employees are working from home, most companies demand work at off hours too.

Try and politely tell them you’re off from work now and can betaken care of the next day. Also, make sure you tell the other members of the house to not enter into your working space to have an office-like feeling for the day.

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