Sunday 7 February 2021

How to Negotiate a Permanent WFH Arrangement with Your Manager?

 The Covid-19 pandemic has completely transformed the way people work and live, specially with those working at offices for rent in Gurgaon and have been working from home since about a year now. A study conducted a little early during the outbreak of Covid-19 showed that about one-third of the country’s population was working from home and most of them don’t wish to return back to their offices once they’re called back by the employers.

Since working from home provides numerous benefits like lesser distractions, no commuting time, and a sense of freedom; it is becoming increasingly lucrative for the workers to continue in the work-from-home arrangement. However, negotiating about working from home with your manager isn’t an easy task and requires a great deal of tact and logic to crack. Here are a few tips to help you negotiate a permanent work-from-home arrangement with your manager:

1.Demonstrate Your Productivity

To be allowed to continue working from home, you’ll have to demonstrate your productivity to your manager. You have to win his trust that you’re as productive at home as you’ve been in office. Support your discussion with both quantified and qualified examples to have him win over the discussion. 

You need to prove to your manager that you’ve been active at collaborating with the team, reporting back to the manager, preparing periodic reports, available on calls and meetings, and more such scenarios as and when the situation demands. This will help you ace this negotiation and prove it all with the hard facts.

2.Have an Action Plan Ready

Chances are that you’ve already been working form home since most of the last year and your manager didn’t even notice your contribution. An expert tip here is that if you want to win over this discussion, you’ve to keep an action plan ready to show him what’s going to be your way ahead.

An action plan will help your manager assess your ability to work from home smoothly. Speak to your manager about what milestones you wish to achieve and at what point. Your work form home offer should demonstrate the benefit and value to your employer.

3.Establish Trust

Once you’re mid-way through the discussion, show your employer that they can trust you with work-from-home responsibilities. Most managers are concerned with their employees working from home is that they can’t be trusted and are believed to just wail time. Make sure your discussion has enough room for an evidence on why and how they can trust you even if they can’t see you in office.

The best way to achieve that is to layout a robust communication plan with several touch points connecting your team mates, seniors, and other staff. It should ensure your availability on phone, e-mail and messages throughout the agreed shift hours. Once the communication plan is settled and discussed, the battle is half won.

4.Show That You’re Flexible

It is also important for you to be flexible during the entire negotiation to understand if your manager has any concerns or objections to your work-from-home arrangement. Take it positively in your stride and show that you’re open to take flexible solutions to the arrangement. You can offer that you can attend office once a week and that you’ll always be available for critical team meetings.

These small tips will ensure that you win over your manager’s trust and establish an unsaid agreement to have this arrangement work smoothly till it is required.

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